An Influence Diagram-Based Approach for Estimating Staff Training in Software Industry

Authors: Kawal Jeet, Vijay Kumar Mago, Bhanu Prasad, Rajinder Singh Minhas

Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol 18 (4). 2009. pp 267-283
16 Pages, 7 Figures, 2 Tables

Abstract: The successful completion of a software development process depends on the analytical capability and foresightedness of the project manager. For the project manager, the main intriguing task is to manage the risk factors as they adversely influence the completion deadline. One such key risk factor is staff training. The risk of this factor can be avoided by pre-judging the amount of training required by the staff. So, a procedure is required to help the project manager make this decision. This paper presents a system that uses influence diagrams to implement the risk model to aid decision making. The system also considers the cost of conducting the training, based on various risk factors such as, (i) Lack of experience with project software; (ii) Newly appointed staff; (iii) Staff not well versed with the required quality standards; and (iv) Lack of experience with project environment. The system provides estimated requirement details for staff training at the beginning of a software development project.

Submitted to arXiv on 25 Aug. 2010

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