A note on a paper of Harris concerning the asymptotic approximation to the eigenvalues of $-y"+qy=λy$, with boundary conditions of general form

AI-generated keywords: Eigenvalues Linear Differential Equations Asymptotic Approximation Singularities Measurable Functions

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  • Mahdi Hormozi presents an asymptotic approximation for the eigenvalues of a linear differential equation
  • The equation is given by $-y"(x)+q(x)y(x)=\lambda y(x)$, where $x$ belongs to the interval $(a,b)$
  • Boundary conditions of general form are considered
  • The function $q$ is assumed to be measurable and has a singularity within the interval $(a,b)$
  • The singularity of $q$ is excluded from subsets of $(a,b)$ where it is integrable
  • The main objective is to derive an asymptotic approximation for the eigenvalues in order to understand the behavior and properties of the differential equation
  • This research contributes to existing knowledge by studying how singularities in measurable functions affect eigenvalues
  • The derived asymptotic approximation provides a useful tool for analyzing and predicting solutions to similar linear differential equations
  • The findings have implications for fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematical modeling
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Authors: Mahdi Hormozi

arXiv: 1202.3971v1 - DOI (math.SP)

Abstract: In this paper, we derive an asymptotic approximation to the eigenvalues of the linear differential equation $$ -y"(x)+q(x)y(x)=\lambda y(x), x\in (a,b) $$ with boundary conditions of general form, when $q$ is a measurable function which has a singularity in $(a,b)$ and which is integrable on subsets of $(a,b)$ which exclude the singularity.

Submitted to arXiv on 17 Feb. 2012

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In the paper titled "A note on a paper of Harris concerning the asymptotic approximation to the eigenvalues of $-y"+qy=λy$, with boundary conditions of general form," Mahdi Hormozi presents an asymptotic approximation for the eigenvalues of a linear differential equation. The equation is given by $-y"(x)+q(x)y(x)=\lambda y(x)$, where $x$ belongs to the interval $(a,b)$. The author considers boundary conditions of general form and assumes that the function $q$ is measurable. Additionally, it is required that $q$ has a singularity within the interval $(a,b)$ but is integrable on subsets of $(a,b)$ that exclude this singularity. The main objective of this study is to derive an asymptotic approximation for the eigenvalues of this differential equation in order to gain insights into its behavior and properties. This information can be valuable in various fields such as physics, engineering and mathematical modeling. The paper contributes to existing knowledge by offering a refined understanding of how singularities in measurable functions affect eigenvalues. The derived asymptotic approximation provides a useful tool for analyzing and predicting solutions to linear differential equations with similar characteristics. Overall, Mahdi Hormozi's research significantly advances our understanding of linear differential equations with singularities and their corresponding eigenvalues. The findings presented in this paper have implications for various scientific disciplines and may inspire further investigations into related topics.
Created on 28 Sep. 2023

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