World Migration Degree Global migration flows in directed networks

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Authors: Idan Porat, Lucien Benguigui

arXiv: 1511.05338v1 - DOI (physics.soc-ph)
22 pages 10 figures

Abstract: In this article we analyze the global flow of migrants from 206 source countries to 145 destination countries (2006-2010) and focus on the differences in the migration network pattern between destination and source counters as represented by its degree and weight distribution. Degree represents the connectivity of a country to the global migration network, and plays an important role in defining migration processes and characteristics. Global analysis of migration degree distribution offers a strong potential contribution to understanding of migration as a global phenomenon. In regard to immigration, we found that it is possible to classify destination countries into three classes: global migration hubs with high connectivity and high migration rate; local migration hubs with low connectivity and high migration rate; and local migration hubs with opposite strategy of high connectivity and low migration rate. The different migration strategies of destination countries are emerging from similar and homogenies pattern of emigration from source countries were similar network patterns were found for most of the countries. These findings, of similar behavior which creates different results is a complex phenomenon which represents the diverse nature of migration.

Submitted to arXiv on 17 Nov. 2015

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Created on 01 May. 2024
Available in other languages: fr

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