Dynamic Image Restoration and Fusion Based on Dynamic Degradation

Authors: Aiqing Fang, Xinbo Zhao, Jiaqi Yang, Yanning Zhang

License: CC ZERO 1.0

Abstract: The deep-learning-based image restoration and fusion methods have achieved remarkable results. However, the existing restoration and fusion methods paid little research attention to the robustness problem caused by dynamic degradation. In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic image restoration and fusion neural network, termed as DDRF-Net, which is capable of solving two problems, i.e., static restoration and fusion, dynamic degradation. In order to solve the static fusion problem of existing methods, dynamic convolution is introduced to learn dynamic restoration and fusion weights. In addition, a dynamic degradation kernel is proposed to improve the robustness of image restoration and fusion. Our network framework can effectively combine image degradation with image fusion tasks, provide more detailed information for image fusion tasks through image restoration loss, and optimize image restoration tasks through image fusion loss. Therefore, the stumbling blocks of deep learning in image fusion, e.g., static fusion weight and specifically designed network architecture, are greatly mitigated. Extensive experiments show that our method is more superior compared with the state-of-the-art methods.

Submitted to arXiv on 26 Apr. 2021

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