SOLO: A Simple Framework for Instance Segmentation

AI-generated keywords: Instance Segmentation SOLO Object Detection Panoptic Segmentation Image Matting

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  • The paper introduces the concept of "instance categories" for instance segmentation
  • Existing approaches for instance segmentation either follow a 'detect-then-segment' strategy or predict embedding vectors and cluster pixels into individual instances
  • SOLO (Segmenting Objects by Locations) is a direct and fast framework for instance segmentation that assigns categories to each pixel based on its location
  • SOLO eliminates the need for grouping post-processing or bounding box detection
  • Several variants of SOLO are derived, including Vanilla SOLO, Decoupled SOLO, and Dynamic SOLO
  • SOLO achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of both speed and accuracy while being simpler than existing methods
  • Besides instance segmentation, SOLO also yields impressive results in object detection and panoptic segmentation
  • SOLO can be extended to perform one-stage instance-level image matting
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Authors: Xinlong Wang, Rufeng Zhang, Chunhua Shen, Tao Kong, Lei Li

20 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1912.04488, arXiv:2003.10152
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Abstract: Compared to many other dense prediction tasks, e.g., semantic segmentation, it is the arbitrary number of instances that has made instance segmentation much more challenging. In order to predict a mask for each instance, mainstream approaches either follow the 'detect-then-segment' strategy (e.g., Mask R-CNN), or predict embedding vectors first then cluster pixels into individual instances. In this paper, we view the task of instance segmentation from a completely new perspective by introducing the notion of "instance categories", which assigns categories to each pixel within an instance according to the instance's location. With this notion, we propose segmenting objects by locations (SOLO), a simple, direct, and fast framework for instance segmentation with strong performance. We derive a few SOLO variants (e.g., Vanilla SOLO, Decoupled SOLO, Dynamic SOLO) following the basic principle. Our method directly maps a raw input image to the desired object categories and instance masks, eliminating the need for the grouping post-processing or the bounding box detection. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results for instance segmentation in terms of both speed and accuracy, while being considerably simpler than the existing methods. Besides instance segmentation, our method yields state-of-the-art results in object detection (from our mask byproduct) and panoptic segmentation. We further demonstrate the flexibility and high-quality segmentation of SOLO by extending it to perform one-stage instance-level image matting. Code is available at:

Submitted to arXiv on 30 Jun. 2021

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2106.15947v1

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The paper titled "SOLO: A Simple Framework for Instance Segmentation" introduces a novel perspective on instance segmentation by introducing the concept of "instance categories". Unlike other dense prediction tasks, instance segmentation is challenging due to the arbitrary number of instances. Existing approaches either follow a 'detect-then-segment' strategy or predict embedding vectors and cluster pixels into individual instances. In this paper, the authors propose SOLO (Segmenting Objects by Locations), a direct and fast framework for instance segmentation. The key idea behind SOLO is to assign categories to each pixel within an instance based on its location. This approach eliminates the need for grouping post-processing or bounding box detection. The authors derive several variants of SOLO, including Vanilla SOLO, Decoupled SOLO, and Dynamic SOLO, all following the same principle. By directly mapping a raw input image to object categories and instance masks, SOLO achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of both speed and accuracy while being simpler than existing methods. Additionally, besides instance segmentation, SOLO also yields impressive results in object detection and panoptic segmentation. The authors further demonstrate the flexibility and high-quality segmentation of SOLO by extending it to perform one-stage instance-level image matting. Overall, this paper presents a novel approach that outperforms existing methods in terms of simplicity and performance.
Created on 13 Jul. 2023

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