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In this paper, the authors introduce GLADE+, an extended version of the GLADE galaxy catalogue designed for multimessenger searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors. GLADE+ is a comprehensive compilation of data from six different astronomical catalogues: the Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalogue (GWGC), 2 Micron All-Sky Survey Extended Source Catalog (2MASS XSC), HyperLEDA, 2MASS Photometric Redshift Catalog (2MPZ), WISExSCOS Photometric Redshift Catalogue (WISExSCOSPZ), and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalogue from the 16th data release (SDSS-DR16Q). One key feature of GLADE+ is its ability to correct CMB-frame redshifts for peculiar motions by calculating peculiar velocities and their standard deviations for all galaxies with $B$-band magnitude data within a redshift of $z=0.05$ using the "Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies" formalism. The catalogue is complete up to a luminosity distance of $d_L=47^{+4}_{-2}$ Mpc in terms of cumulative $B$-band luminosity, encompassing all the brightest galaxies that contribute half of the total $B$-band luminosity up to a distance of approximately $250$ Mpc. Additionally, GLADE+ includes estimations of stellar masses and individual binary neutron star merger rates for galaxies with $W1$ magnitudes. These parameters are valuable for ranking galaxies within a given gravitational wave localization volume based on their likelihood of hosting events, potentially reducing the number of pointings and total integration time required to identify electromagnetic counterparts. The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces the catalogues and methods used to create GLADE+, including peculiar velocity correction, stellar mass estimations, and binary neutron star merger rate calculations. Section 3 quantifies the completeness of GLADE+ based on measured luminosities, while Section 4 describes the format of the catalogue. Finally, in Section 5, conclusions are drawn based on the findings presented in this study. Throughout this work, a flat ��CDM cosmology is adopted with parameters derived from Planck 2018 results: $\text{H}_0 = 100h = 67.66 \text{ km s}^{-1} \text{ Mpc}^{-1}$, $\Omega_M = 0.3111$, and $\Omega_\Lambda = 0.6889$. This refined summary provides an overview of how GLADE+ enhances multimessenger searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors through its comprehensive dataset and unique features for correcting redshifts and estimating key galaxy properties.
- - GLADE+ is an extended version of the GLADE galaxy catalogue designed for multimessenger searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors.
- - It compiles data from six different astronomical catalogues, including GWGC, 2MASS XSC, HyperLEDA, 2MPZ, WISExSCOSPZ, and SDSS-DR16Q.
- - GLADE+ corrects CMB-frame redshifts for peculiar motions by calculating peculiar velocities and their standard deviations for galaxies within a redshift of $z=0.05$ using the "Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies" formalism.
- - The catalogue is complete up to a luminosity distance of $d_L=47^{+4}_{-2}$ Mpc in terms of cumulative $B$-band luminosity, encompassing all the brightest galaxies contributing half of the total $B$-band luminosity up to approximately 250 Mpc.
- - GLADE+ includes estimations of stellar masses and individual binary neutron star merger rates for galaxies with $W1$ magnitudes, which can help rank galaxies based on their likelihood of hosting events and potentially reduce the time needed to identify electromagnetic counterparts.
SummaryGLADE+ is a big list of space things made for finding special signals with fancy detectors. It puts together information from six different lists of stars and galaxies. GLADE+ fixes how fast things are moving in space by using smart math to figure out their speeds. The list goes up to a certain far distance and includes the brightest stars that make up half of all the light we see. It also guesses how much stuff is in each star and how often two stars crash into each other.
Definitions- Catalogue: A list or collection of items or information.
- Gravitational-wave detectors: Tools that can pick up signals caused by the movement of massive objects in space.
- Redshift: How much light from an object has stretched as it moves away, indicating its speed.
- Luminosity distance: How far away something is based on how bright it looks.
- Magnitude: A measure of brightness in astronomy, with lower numbers meaning brighter objects.
The search for gravitational waves has opened up a new era of astronomy, allowing us to observe the universe in a completely different way. With advanced detectors such as LIGO and Virgo, we are now able to detect these elusive ripples in space-time caused by cataclysmic events such as black hole mergers and neutron star collisions. However, to fully understand these events and their implications, it is crucial to also identify their electromagnetic counterparts. This requires precise localization of the source within the sky, which can be achieved through multimessenger searches.
In this paper, the authors introduce GLADE+, an extended version of the GLADE galaxy catalogue designed specifically for multimessenger searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors. GLADE+ combines data from six different astronomical catalogues to create a comprehensive dataset that includes information on redshifts, luminosities, stellar masses, and binary neutron star merger rates for galaxies within a certain distance range.
Data Compilation
GLADE+ is compiled from six different catalogues: GWGC (Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalogue), 2MASS XSC (2 Micron All-Sky Survey Extended Source Catalog), HyperLEDA (HyperLeda Database), 2MPZ (2MASS Photometric Redshift Catalog), WISExSCOSPZ (WISExSCOS Photometric Redshift Catalogue), and SDSS-DR16Q (Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalogue). These catalogues provide data on various properties of galaxies such as positions, magnitudes, redshifts, and morphological types.
One key feature of GLADE+ is its ability to correct CMB-frame redshifts for peculiar motions using the "Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies" formalism. This correction takes into account the effects of large-scale structures on galaxy velocities and provides more accurate redshift measurements. This is particularly important for multimessenger searches as it allows for more precise localization of the source within the sky.
Completeness and Luminosity
GLADE+ is complete up to a luminosity distance of $d_L=47^{+4}_{-2}$ Mpc, which corresponds to a redshift range of approximately $z=0.05$. This means that GLADE+ includes all the brightest galaxies that contribute half of the total $B$-band luminosity up to a distance of approximately $250$ Mpc. The completeness is quantified based on measured luminosities, which are derived from data in the 2MASS XSC catalogue.
Catalogue Format
The GLADE+ catalogue is presented in a user-friendly format with easily accessible information on each galaxy. It includes parameters such as positions, magnitudes, redshifts (both observed and corrected), morphological types, and stellar masses. In addition, GLADE+ also provides estimations of individual binary neutron star merger rates for galaxies with $W1$ magnitudes. These parameters are crucial for ranking galaxies within a given gravitational wave localization volume based on their likelihood of hosting events.
In conclusion, GLADE+ is an essential tool for multimessenger searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors. Its comprehensive dataset combines data from six different catalogues and provides unique features such as peculiar velocity correction and estimations of key galaxy properties like stellar masses and binary neutron star merger rates. With its ability to improve redshift measurements and rank galaxies based on their likelihood of hosting events, GLADE+ will play a crucial role in future multimessenger studies.