On Natural Language User Profiles for Transparent and Scrutable Recommendation

Authors: Filip Radlinski, Krisztian Balog, Fernando Diaz, Lucas Dixon, Ben Wedin

Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '22), 2022

Abstract: Natural interaction with recommendation and personalized search systems has received tremendous attention in recent years. We focus on the challenge of supporting people's understanding and control of these systems and explore a fundamentally new way of thinking about representation of knowledge in recommendation and personalization systems. Specifically, we argue that it may be both desirable and possible for algorithms that use natural language representations of users' preferences to be developed. We make the case that this could provide significantly greater transparency, as well as affordances for practical actionable interrogation of, and control over, recommendations. Moreover, we argue that such an approach, if successfully applied, may enable a major step towards systems that rely less on noisy implicit observations while increasing portability of knowledge of one's interests.

Submitted to arXiv on 19 May. 2022

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Created on 16 Jun. 2023

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