Pre-training Tasks for User Intent Detection and Embedding Retrieval in E-commerce Search

Authors: Yiming Qiu, Chenyu Zhao, Han Zhang, Jingwei Zhuo, Tianhao Li, Xiaowei Zhang, Songlin Wang, Sulong Xu, Bo Long, Wen-Yun Yang

5 pages, 3 figures; accepted by CIKM2022
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Abstract: Pretrain-Finetune paradigm recently becomes prevalent in many NLP tasks: question answering, text classification, sequence labeling and so on. As the state-of-the-art model, BERT pre-trained on the general corpus (e.g., Wikipedia) have been widely used in these tasks. However, these BERT-style models still show limitations on some scenarios, especially for two: a corpus that contains very different text from the general corpus Wikipedia, or a task that learns embedding spacial distribution for specific purpose (e.g., approximate nearest neighbor search). In this paper, to tackle the above dilemmas we also encounter in an industrial e-commerce search system, we propose novel customized pre-training tasks for two critical modules: user intent detection and semantic embedding retrieval. The customized pre-trained models with specific fine-tuning, being less than 10% of BERT-base's size in order to be feasible for cost-efficient CPU serving, significantly improves its other counterparts on both offline evaluation metrics and online benefits. We have open sourced our datasets for the sake of reproducibility and future works.

Submitted to arXiv on 12 Aug. 2022

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