Digital Media and Information Literacy: A way to Paperless Society

Authors: Subaveerapandiyan A, Anuradha Maurya

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Abstract: Purpose - The study's main objective was to find out the possibility of a paperless library and society with particular reference to Top 60 Universities from QS world University ranking 2021 and their library professionals. ICT knowledge and skills of these LIS professionals and evaluated their digital literacy skills was another aim of this study. Design/methodology/approach - The researchers used the survey method for this study using a structured questionnaire, distributed through the google form to library professionals of world-famous universities, ranked as top 60 in QS World University Ranking. 206 responses were received. The information collected from the respondents has been analyzed using an Excel sheet and SPSS software. Findings - Most professionals are interested in digital learning and adopting paperless learning to contribute to a paperless society. They go for online ways to answer reference queries of users and work in a refined atmosphere. They are learning from digital resources and have support from online platforms if they suffer. Also, they are actively engaging with the digital environment and promoting it too.

Submitted to arXiv on 14 Oct. 2022

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