LIDA: A Tool for Automatic Generation of Grammar-Agnostic Visualizations and Infographics using Large Language Models
AI-generated Key Points
- LIDA is a tool for generating grammar-agnostic visualizations and infographics
- It consists of four modules: Summarizer, Goal Explorer, VisGenerator, and Infographer
- LIDA provides a Python API and a hybrid user interface for interactive chart, infographic, and data story generation
- The authors evaluated LIDA's performance through an ablation study on the impact of different data summarization strategies on visualization error rate (VER)
- Including a summary leads to reduced error rates compared to using only field names as summaries
- Enriching the base summary with an LLM has less effect on VER but varies across visualization grammars
- Metrics for assessing reliability (VER) and visualization quality (SEVQ) in LLM-enabled visualization tools are introduced
- Limitations of the work include the need for more comprehensive benchmarks on different datasets and visualization grammars
- Further research opportunities include studying the capabilities of LLMs in encoding best practices for visualizations, evaluating model behavior and proposing mitigations for failure cases, and assessing the impact of tools like LIDA on user creativity in authoring visualizations
- Overall, LIDA offers an effective solution for automatic visualization generation by leveraging the power of LLMs. It addresses limitations of existing systems by enabling hypothesis/goal generation from datasets; providing conversational interfaces for controllable generation/refinement of visualizations; supporting multiple visualization grammars; and generating infographics.
- The authors hope that the modules implemented in LIDA will serve as useful building blocks for various creative workflows involving visualization translation, chart question answering, automated data exploration, and automated storytelling.
Authors: Victor Dibia
Abstract: Systems that support users in the automatic creation of visualizations must address several subtasks - understand the semantics of data, enumerate relevant visualization goals and generate visualization specifications. In this work, we pose visualization generation as a multi-stage generation problem and argue that well-orchestrated pipelines based on large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT/GPT-4 and image generation models (IGMs) are suitable to addressing these tasks. We present LIDA, a novel tool for generating grammar-agnostic visualizations and infographics. LIDA comprises of 4 modules - A SUMMARIZER that converts data into a rich but compact natural language summary, a GOAL EXPLORER that enumerates visualization goals given the data, a VISGENERATOR that generates, refines, executes and filters visualization code and an INFOGRAPHER module that yields data-faithful stylized graphics using IGMs. LIDA provides a python api, and a hybrid user interface (direct manipulation and multilingual natural language) for interactive chart, infographics and data story generation. Learn more about the project here -
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