Spin-orbit readout using thin films of topological insulator Sb2Te3 deposited by industrial magnetron sputtering

AI-generated keywords: Spin-Charge Interconversion

AI-generated Key Points

  • Study focuses on integration of spin-charge interconversion materials into spin-logic circuits and spin-orbit torques-based memories
  • Production of large output signal crucial for driving a spin-logic circuit
  • Topological insulators hold promise for achieving high spin-charge interconversion efficiency
  • Obtaining high-quality topological insulators on large scale challenging due to incompatible deposition techniques with industrial processes
  • Nanopatterning and electrical spin injection difficult due to fragile structure and low spin conductance of topological insulators
  • Authors present fabrication of spin-orbit readout device using topological insulator Sb2Te3 deposited by large-scale industrial magnetron sputtering on SiO2
  • Despite modifications during nanofabrication, sizeable output voltage measured attributed to spin-charge interconversion process
  • Challenges limiting integration of topological insulators into practical applications discussed, including density of defects issues that need addressing
  • Study provides insights into fabrication and potential applications of topological insulator-based devices in future spin-logic circuits and memory technologies.
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Authors: S. Teresi, N. Sebe, T. Frottier, J. Patterson, A. Kandazoglou, P. Noël, P. Sgarro, D. Térébénec, N. Bernier, F. Hippert, J. -P. Attané, L. Vila, P. Noé, M. Cosset-Chéneau

arXiv: 2304.09228v1 - DOI (cond-mat.mes-hall)
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Driving a spin-logic circuit requires the production of a large output signal by spin-charge interconversion in spin-orbit readout devices. This should be possible by using topological insulators, which are known for their high spin-charge interconversion efficiency. However, high-quality topological insulators have so far only been obtained on a small scale, or with large scale deposition techniques which are not compatible with conventional industrial deposition processes. The nanopatterning and electrical spin injection into these materials has also proven difficult due to their fragile structure and low spin conductance. We present the fabrication of a spin-orbit readout device from the topological insulator Sb2Te3 deposited by large-scale industrial magnetron sputtering on SiO2. Despite a modification of the Sb2Te3 layer structural properties during the device nanofabrication, we measured a sizeable output voltage that can be unambiguously ascribed to a spin-charge interconversion process.

Submitted to arXiv on 18 Apr. 2023

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2304.09228v1

This study focuses on the integration of recently discovered spin-charge interconversion materials into spin-logic circuits and spin-orbit torques-based memories. The production of a large output signal by spin-charge interconversion in spin-orbit readout devices is crucial for driving a spin-logic circuit. Topological insulators, known for their high spin-charge interconversion efficiency, hold promise for achieving this goal. However, obtaining high-quality topological insulators on a large scale has been challenging, as current deposition techniques are not compatible with conventional industrial processes. Additionally, nanopatterning and electrical spin injection into these materials have proven difficult due to their fragile structure and low spin conductance. In this study, the authors present the fabrication of a spin-orbit readout device using the topological insulator Sb2Te3 deposited by large-scale industrial magnetron sputtering on SiO2. Despite modifications to the structural properties of the Sb2Te3 layer during device nanofabrication, a sizeable output voltage was measured, which can be attributed to a spin-charge interconversion process. The authors also discuss the challenges limiting the integration of topological insulators into practical applications. They highlight that while they achieved comparable structural quality to films deposited using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), there are still density of defects issues that need to be addressed in order to enable successful integration into future technologies. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the fabrication and potential applications of topological insulator-based spin-orbit readout devices in future spin-logic circuits and memory technologies.
Created on 13 Sep. 2023

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