Sumsets and entropy revisited

AI-generated keywords: Entropic doubling Skew dimension Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture Finite subsets Abelian group

AI-generated Key Points

  • Entropic doubling is a variant of the doubling constant in finite subsets of an abelian group
  • It possesses improved properties such as contraction under homomorphisms
  • The authors provide a new proof for a result on the "skew dimension" of subsets in Z^D with small doubling
  • They offer a new proof, along with an improvement, for a result on the dimension of subsets in Z^D with small doubling
  • They demonstrate that the Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture over F_2 implies the weak Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture over Z
  • The paper consists of nine sections covering various aspects related to entropic doubling and its applications
  • The sections include topics such as improved entropic Ruzsa triangle inequality, converting random variables to sets, entropy distance under homomorphisms, very small entropy doubling, skew dimension and its connection to Pálvölgyi and Zhelezov's result, dimension and its relation to one author's previous work, an entropy formulation of PFR over F_2 (Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture), dimension and the weak PFR conjecture.
  • There is an appendix providing basic facts about entropy.
  • The paper expands upon existing knowledge about entropic doubling and its applications in additive combinatorics.
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Authors: Ben Green, Freddie Manners, Terence Tao

37 pages
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: The entropic doubling $\sigma_{\operatorname{ent}}[X]$ of a random variable $X$ taking values in an abelian group $G$ is a variant of the notion of the doubling constant $\sigma[A]$ of a finite subset $A$ of $G$, but it enjoys somewhat better properties; for instance, it contracts upon applying a homomorphism. In this paper we develop further the theory of entropic doubling and give various applications, including: (1) A new proof of a result of P\'alv\"olgyi and Zhelezov on the ``skew dimension'' of subsets of $\mathbf{Z}^D$ with small doubling; (2) A new proof, and an improvement, of a result of the second author on the dimension of subsets of $\mathbf{Z}^D$ with small doubling; (3) A proof that the Polynomial Freiman--Ruzsa conjecture over $\mathbf{F}_2$ implies the (weak) Polynomial Freiman--Ruzsa conjecture over $\mathbf{Z}$.

Submitted to arXiv on 23 Jun. 2023

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2306.13403v1

In the paper "Sumsets and entropy revisited," authors Ben Green, Freddie Manners, and Terence Tao explore the concept of entropic doubling and its applications. Entropic doubling is a variant of the doubling constant in finite subsets of an abelian group, but it possesses improved properties such as contraction under homomorphisms. The authors develop the theory of entropic doubling further and present various applications. Firstly, they provide a new proof for a result by Pálvölgyi and Zhelezov on the "skew dimension" of subsets in Z^D with small doubling. This result sheds light on the behavior of sets with small doubling in high-dimensional spaces. Secondly, they offer a new proof, along with an improvement, for a result by one of the authors on the dimension of subsets in Z^D with small doubling. This result contributes to understanding the structure and size of sets with restricted additive behavior in integer lattices. Lastly, they demonstrate that the Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture over F_2 implies the weak Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture over Z. The Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture relates to characterizing sets with restricted additive structure in abelian groups. The paper consists of nine sections that delve into different aspects related to entropic doubling. These sections cover topics such as an improved entropic Ruzsa triangle inequality, converting random variables to sets, entropy distance under homomorphisms, very small entropy doubling, skew dimension and its connection to Pálvölgyi and Zhelezov's result, dimension and its relation to one author's previous work, an entropy formulation of PFR over F_2 (Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture), dimension and the weak PFR conjecture. Additionally, there is an appendix providing basic facts about entropy. Overall, this paper expands upon existing knowledge about entropic doubling and its applications in the field of additive combinatorics. The authors' results contribute to a deeper understanding of the structure and behavior of sets with restricted additive properties in abelian groups; particularly those found within high-dimensional spaces.
Created on 20 Jul. 2023

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