Generate Anything Anywhere in Any Scene

AI-generated keywords: Text-to-Image Diffusion Personalized Object Generation Data Augmentation Training Regionally-Guided Sampling Creative Expression

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  • Growing interest in text-to-image diffusion models due to wide range of applications
  • Major challenge: development of controllable models for personalized object generation
  • Authors propose data augmentation training strategy focusing on object identity
  • Integration of plug-and-play adapter layers from pre-trained model enables control over location and size of generated objects
  • Regionally-guided sampling technique ensures high quality and fidelity in generated images during inference
  • Approach achieves comparable or superior fidelity for personalized objects
  • Robust, versatile, and controllable text-to-image diffusion model capable of generating realistic and personalized images
  • Potential applications in art, entertainment, and advertising design
  • Opens up new possibilities for creative expression and design innovation
  • Presents a novel solution with promising results
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Authors: Yuheng Li, Haotian Liu, Yangming Wen, Yong Jae Lee

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Abstract: Text-to-image diffusion models have attracted considerable interest due to their wide applicability across diverse fields. However, challenges persist in creating controllable models for personalized object generation. In this paper, we first identify the entanglement issues in existing personalized generative models, and then propose a straightforward and efficient data augmentation training strategy that guides the diffusion model to focus solely on object identity. By inserting the plug-and-play adapter layers from a pre-trained controllable diffusion model, our model obtains the ability to control the location and size of each generated personalized object. During inference, we propose a regionally-guided sampling technique to maintain the quality and fidelity of the generated images. Our method achieves comparable or superior fidelity for personalized objects, yielding a robust, versatile, and controllable text-to-image diffusion model that is capable of generating realistic and personalized images. Our approach demonstrates significant potential for various applications, such as those in art, entertainment, and advertising design.

Submitted to arXiv on 29 Jun. 2023

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2306.17154v1

This paper's license doesn't allow us to build upon its content and the summarizing process is here made with the paper's metadata rather than the article.

In the field of text-to-image diffusion models, there has been a growing interest due to their wide range of applications across various fields. However, one major challenge that persists is the development of controllable models for personalized object generation. In this paper titled "Generate Anything Anywhere in Any Scene," authors Yuheng Li, Haotian Liu, Yangming Wen and Yong Jae Lee address this issue by identifying the entanglement problems in existing personalized generative models. To overcome these challenges, the authors propose a straightforward and efficient data augmentation training strategy that focuses solely on object identity. They achieve this by incorporating plug-and-play adapter layers from a pre-trained controllable diffusion model into their own model. This integration enables their model to have control over the location and size of each generated personalized object. During inference, the authors introduce a regionally-guided sampling technique to ensure high quality and fidelity in the generated images. By employing this method, their approach achieves comparable or even superior fidelity for personalized objects. The result is a robust, versatile and controllable text-to-image diffusion model capable of generating realistic and personalized images with its ability to generate customized images based on textual input while maintaining high quality and control over object attributes like location and size. The potential applications of this approach are significant, particularly in fields such as art, entertainment and advertising design. This model opens up new possibilities for creative expression and design innovation which offers valuable insights for future research in this area. Overall, the paper presents a novel solution to the challenges faced in creating controllable models for personalized object generation within text-to-image diffusion models demonstrating promising results.
Created on 03 Jul. 2023

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