Dynamics of Temporal Difference Reinforcement Learning

AI-generated keywords: Reinforcement Learning Theoretical Understanding Statistical Physics Gaussian Equivalence Hypothesis Learning Dynamics

AI-generated Key Points

  • Agents in reinforcement learning learn to make decisions in environments with sparse feedback
  • Lack of theoretical understanding on how parameters and features interact in reinforcement learning models
  • Researchers used concepts from statistical physics to study learning curves for temporal difference learning
  • Gaussian equivalence hypothesis used to replace averages over random trajectories with temporally correlated Gaussian feature averages
  • Stochastic semi-gradient noise from subsampling episodes led to plateaus in value error during learning dynamics
  • Factors like feature structure, learning rate, discount factor, and reward function influence learning dynamics and plateaus
  • Analysis of strategies like learning rate annealing and reward shaping for positive impact on learning dynamics and plateaus
  • Introduction of new tools for developing a comprehensive theory of learning dynamics in reinforcement learning
  • Challenges unique to reinforcement learning algorithms due to non-stationarity in data distribution at each time-step
  • Focus on dependencies between states visited within a trajectory and changes in future state distributions when policies are updated
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Authors: Blake Bordelon, Paul Masset, Henry Kuo, Cengiz Pehlevan

License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Reinforcement learning has been successful across several applications in which agents have to learn to act in environments with sparse feedback. However, despite this empirical success there is still a lack of theoretical understanding of how the parameters of reinforcement learning models and the features used to represent states interact to control the dynamics of learning. In this work, we use concepts from statistical physics, to study the typical case learning curves for temporal difference learning of a value function with linear function approximators. Our theory is derived under a Gaussian equivalence hypothesis where averages over the random trajectories are replaced with temporally correlated Gaussian feature averages and we validate our assumptions on small scale Markov Decision Processes. We find that the stochastic semi-gradient noise due to subsampling the space of possible episodes leads to significant plateaus in the value error, unlike in traditional gradient descent dynamics. We study how learning dynamics and plateaus depend on feature structure, learning rate, discount factor, and reward function. We then analyze how strategies like learning rate annealing and reward shaping can favorably alter learning dynamics and plateaus. To conclude, our work introduces new tools to open a new direction towards developing a theory of learning dynamics in reinforcement learning.

Submitted to arXiv on 10 Jul. 2023

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2307.04841v1

In the field of reinforcement learning, agents are tasked with learning how to make decisions in environments where feedback is sparse. Despite its empirical success in various applications, there is still a lack of theoretical understanding regarding how the parameters and features used in reinforcement learning models interact to influence the learning process. Recently, Blake Bordelon, Paul Masset, Henry Kuo, and Cengiz Pehlevan employed concepts from statistical physics to investigate the typical learning curves for temporal difference learning of a value function using linear function approximators. Their work was based on a Gaussian equivalence hypothesis which replaces averages over random trajectories with temporally correlated Gaussian feature averages. This theory was validated through small-scale Markov Decision Processes. One significant finding was that stochastic semi-gradient noise resulting from subsampling possible episodes led to significant plateaus in the value error during learning dynamics, which contrasts traditional gradient descent dynamics. The study also delved into how factors such as feature structure, learning rate, discount factor, and reward function influenced learning dynamics and plateaus. Additionally, strategies like learning rate annealing and reward shaping were analyzed for their potential to positively impact learning dynamics and plateaus. Overall, this work introduces new tools that pave the way for developing a comprehensive theory of learning dynamics in reinforcement learning. Furthermore, the researchers highlighted challenges unique to reinforcement learning algorithms compared to supervised settings due to non-stationarity in data distribution at each time-step. This non-stationarity arises from dependencies between states visited within a trajectory and changes in future state distributions when policies are updated. By focusing on these complexities, future research can continue to advance our understanding of reinforcement learning architectures that incorporate deep neural networks for effective value estimation and policy network construction.
Created on 24 May. 2024

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