PRUSSIC II -- ALMA imaging of dense-gas tracers in SDP.81: Evidence for low mechanical heating and a sub-solar metallicity in a z=3.04 dusty galaxy

AI-generated keywords: high-redshift HCN HCO+ HNC metallicity

AI-generated Key Points

  • Deep ALMA Band 3 observations of HCN, HCO+, and HNC (4-3) emission in SDP.81
  • High-density gas in galaxies at redshifts greater than or equal to 1 remains unexplored
  • Third detection of HCO+(4-3) emission in a high-redshift star-forming galaxy
  • Unusually high HCO+/HCN intensity ratio of ≥2.2 in SDP.81
  • Low mechanical heating and sub-solar metallicity (Z=0.5 Z⊙) contribute to the elevated ratio
  • Impact of low mechanical heating and sub solar metallicity on gas mass estimates derived from CO observations
  • Detection of CO(0-1) absorption from the foreground lensing galaxy
  • Detection of CO(1-0) emission from a massive companion located approximately 50 kpc southeast of the lensing galaxy
  • Launching Prussic2, a comprehensive census of dense gas tracers in high redshift star forming galaxies
  • Previous work revealed low dense gas fractions and elevated dense gas star forming efficiencies in z ∼ 3 lensed DSFGs
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Authors: M. Rybak, J. van Marrewijk, J. A. Hodge, P. Andreani, G. Calistro Rivera, L. Graziani, J. P. McKean, S. Viti, P. P. van der Werf

arXiv: 2308.02886v1 - DOI (astro-ph.GA)
Submitted to A&A. 10 pages, 10 figures
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: We present deep ALMA Band 3 observations of the HCN, HCO+, and HNC (4-3) emission in SDP.81, a well-studied z = 3.042 strongly lensed galaxy. These lines trace the high-density gas, which remains almost entirely unexplored in z$\geq$1 galaxies. Additionally, these dense-gas tracers are potentially powerful diagnostics of the mechanical heating of the interstellar medium. While the HCN(4-3) and HNC(4-3) lines are not detected, the HCO+(4-3) emission is clearly detected and resolved. This is the third detection of this line in a high-redshift star-forming galaxy. We find an unusually high HCO+/HCN intensity ratio of $\geq$2.2. Based on the photodissociation region modelling, the most likely explanation for the elevated HCO+/HCN ratio is that SDP.81 has low mechanical heating - less than 10% of the total energy budget - and a sub-solar metallicity, Z=0.5 Z$_\odot$. While such conditions might not be representative of the general population of high-redshift dusty galaxies, lower-than-solar metallicity might have a significant impact on gas masses inferred from CO observations. In addition, we report the detection of CO(0-1) absorption from the foreground lensing galaxy and CO(1-0) emission from a massive companion to the lensing galaxy, approximately 50 kpc to the southeast.

Submitted to arXiv on 05 Aug. 2023

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2308.02886v1

We present deep ALMA Band 3 observations of the HCN, HCO+, and HNC (4-3) emission in SDP.81, a well-studied z = 3.042 strongly lensed galaxy. These lines trace the high-density gas which has remained almost entirely unexplored in galaxies at redshifts greater than or equal to 1. The detection and resolution of the HCO+(4-3) emission in SDP.81 is significant as it represents only the third detection of this line in a high-redshift star-forming galaxy. Interestingly, we find an unusually high HCO+/HCN intensity ratio of ≥2.2 in SDP.81. Based on photodissociation region modeling, we propose that this elevated ratio is due to low mechanical heating - less than 10% of the total energy budget - and a sub-solar metallicity (Z=0.5 Z⊙). These conditions may not be representative of all high-redshift dusty galaxies; however, lower-than-solar metallicity could have a significant impact on gas masses inferred from CO observations. In addition to our findings on dense-gas tracers, we report the detection of CO(0-1) absorption from the foreground lensing galaxy and CO(1-0) emission from a massive companion located approximately 50 kpc southeast of the lensing galaxy. This study expands upon previous research by launching Prussic2, a comprehensive census of dense gas tracers in high redshift star forming galaxies. Our previous work with JVLA observations revealed low dense gas fractions and elevated dense gas star forming efficiencies in six z ∼ 3 lensed DSFGs. Overall, our findings provide valuable insights into the properties and characteristics of high density gas in distant galaxies and highlight the potential impact of low mechanical heating and sub solar metallicity on gas mass estimates derived from CO observations.
Created on 20 Aug. 2023

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