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Meta Prompting for AGI Systems

Yifan Zhang

Abstract: This paper presents an in-depth exploration of Meta Prompting, a novel technique that revolutionizes the way large language models (LLMs), multi-modal foundation models, and AI systems approach problem-solving and data interpretation. Meta Prompting, rooted in type theory and category theory, prioritizes the structure and syntax of information, providing a unique framework that transcends traditional content-focused methods. We delve into the formal definitions of Meta Prompting, contrasting it with Few-Shot Prompting, and highlight its applicability and superiority in various AI applications. Key to this exploration is the expansion of Meta Prompting into the realm of complex reasoning. Here, we demonstrate how this technique adeptly breaks down intricate problems into manageable sub-problems, facilitating a step-by-step, detailed approach to problem-solving. This method proves especially advantageous in terms of token efficiency and offering a fair comparison in problem-solving scenarios, standing out against few-shot example approaches. Furthermore, the paper breaks new ground by extending Meta Prompting into multi-modal foundation model settings. This extension addresses the integration of diverse data types, such as images, audio, and video, within the structured framework of Meta Prompting, highlighting both the challenges and the vast potential of this approach in handling complex, multi-faceted data (The code is available at

Submitted to arXiv on 20 Nov. 2023

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