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Potential and Challenges of Model Editing for Social Debiasing

Jianhao Yan, Futing Wang, Yafu Li, Yue Zhang

Work in progress

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) trained on vast corpora suffer from inevitable stereotype biases. Mitigating these biases with fine-tuning could be both costly and data-hungry. Model editing methods, which focus on modifying LLMs in a post-hoc manner, are of great potential to address debiasing. However, it lacks a comprehensive study that facilitates both internal and external model editing methods, supports various bias types, as well as understands the pros and cons of applying editing methods to stereotypical debiasing. To mitigate this gap, we carefully formulate social debiasing into an editing problem and benchmark seven existing model editing algorithms on stereotypical debiasing, i.e., debias editing. Our findings in three scenarios reveal both the potential and challenges of debias editing: (1) Existing model editing methods can effectively preserve knowledge and mitigate biases, while the generalization of debias effect from edited sentences to semantically equivalent sentences is limited.(2) Sequential editing highlights the robustness of SERAC (Mitchell et al. 2022b), while internal editing methods degenerate with the number of edits. (3) Model editing algorithms achieve generalization towards unseen biases both within the same type and from different types. In light of these findings, we further propose two simple but effective methods to improve debias editing, and experimentally show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Submitted to arXiv on 21 Feb. 2024

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