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Self-Organized Agents: A LLM Multi-Agent Framework toward Ultra Large-Scale Code Generation and Optimization

Yoichi Ishibashi, Yoshimasa Nishimura

License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Recent advancements in automatic code generation using large language model (LLM) agent have brought us closer to the future of automated software development. However, existing single-agent approaches face limitations in generating and improving large-scale, complex codebases due to constraints in context length. To tackle this challenge, we propose Self-Organized multi-Agent framework (SoA), a novel multi-agent framework that enables the scalable and efficient generation and optimization of large-scale code. In SoA, self-organized agents operate independently to generate and modify code components while seamlessly collaborating to construct the overall codebase. A key feature of our framework is the automatic multiplication of agents based on problem complexity, allowing for dynamic scalability. This enables the overall code volume to be increased indefinitely according to the number of agents, while the amount of code managed by each agent remains constant. We evaluate SoA on the HumanEval benchmark and demonstrate that, compared to a single-agent system, each agent in SoA handles significantly less code, yet the overall generated code is substantially greater. Moreover, SoA surpasses the powerful single-agent baseline by 5% in terms of Pass@1 accuracy.

Submitted to arXiv on 02 Apr. 2024