Integrating Large Language Models with Multimodal Virtual Reality Interfaces to Support Collaborative Human-Robot Construction Work

Authors: Somin Park, Carol C. Menassa, Vineet R. Kamat

39 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables

Abstract: In the construction industry, where work environments are complex, unstructured and often dangerous, the implementation of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) is emerging as a promising advancement. This underlines the critical need for intuitive communication interfaces that enable construction workers to collaborate seamlessly with robotic assistants. This study introduces a conversational Virtual Reality (VR) interface integrating multimodal interaction to enhance intuitive communication between construction workers and robots. By integrating voice and controller inputs with the Robot Operating System (ROS), Building Information Modeling (BIM), and a game engine featuring a chat interface powered by a Large Language Model (LLM), the proposed system enables intuitive and precise interaction within a VR setting. Evaluated by twelve construction workers through a drywall installation case study, the proposed system demonstrated its low workload and high usability with succinct command inputs. The proposed multimodal interaction system suggests that such technological integration can substantially advance the integration of robotic assistants in the construction industry.

Submitted to arXiv on 04 Apr. 2024

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