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MIMIR: A Streamlined Platform for Personalized Agent Tuning in Domain Expertise

Chunyuan Deng, Xiangru Tang, Yilun Zhao, Hanming Wang, Haoran Wang, Wangchunshu Zhou, Arman Cohan, Mark Gerstein

Abstract: Recently, large language models (LLMs) have evolved into interactive agents, proficient in planning, tool use, and task execution across a wide variety of tasks. However, without specific agent tuning, open-source models like LLaMA currently struggle to match the efficiency of GPT- 4, particularly given the scarcity of agent-tuning datasets for fine-tuning. In response, we introduce \textsc{Mimir}: a streamlined platform offering a customizable pipeline that enables users to leverage both private knowledge and publicly available, legally compliant datasets at scale for \textbf{personalized agent tuning}. Additionally, \textsc{Mimir} supports the generation of general instruction-tuning datasets from the same input. This dual capability ensures that language agents developed through the platform possess both specific agent abilities and general competencies. \textsc{Mimir} integrates these features into a cohesive end-to-end platform, facilitating everything from the uploading of personalized files to one-click agent fine-tuning.

Submitted to arXiv on 03 Apr. 2024

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