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LLM-Based Multi-Agent Systems for Software Engineering: Vision and the Road Ahead

Junda He, Christoph Treude, David Lo

License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Integrating Large Language Models(LLMs) into autonomous agents marks a significant shift in the research landscape by offering cognitive abilities competitive to human planning and reasoning. This paper envisions the evolution of LLM-based Multi-Agent (LMA) systems in addressing complex and multi-faceted software engineering challenges. LMA systems introduce numerous benefits, including enhanced robustness through collaborative cross-examination, autonomous problem-solving, and scalable solutions to complex software projects. By examining the role of LMA systems in future software engineering practices, this vision paper highlights the potential applications and emerging challenges. We further point to specific opportunities for research and conclude with a research agenda with a set of research questions to guide future research directions.

Submitted to arXiv on 07 Apr. 2024