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Large Language Models to the Rescue: Deadlock Resolution in Multi-Robot Systems

Kunal Garg, Jacob Arkin, Songyuan Zhang, Nicholas Roy, Chuchu Fan

Abstract: Multi-agent robotic systems are prone to deadlocks in an obstacle environment where the system can get stuck away from its desired location under a smooth low-level control policy. Without an external intervention, often in terms of a high-level command, it is not possible to guarantee that just a low-level control policy can resolve such deadlocks. Utilizing the generalizability and low data requirements of large language models (LLMs), this paper explores the possibility of using LLMs for deadlock resolution. We propose a hierarchical control framework where an LLM resolves deadlocks by assigning a leader and direction for the leader to move along. A graph neural network (GNN) based low-level distributed control policy executes the assigned plan. We systematically study various prompting techniques to improve LLM's performance in resolving deadlocks. In particular, as part of prompt engineering, we provide in-context examples for LLMs. We conducted extensive experiments on various multi-robot environments with up to 15 agents and 40 obstacles. Our results demonstrate that LLM-based high-level planners are effective in resolving deadlocks in MRS.

Submitted to arXiv on 09 Apr. 2024

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