Radio Continuum and Recombination Line Study of UC HII Regions with Extended Envelopes

Authors: Kee-Tae Kim (Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea), Bon-Chul Koo (Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea)

29 pages, 28 postscript figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

Abstract: We have carried out 21 cm radio continuum observations of 16 UC HII regions using the VLA (D-array) in search of associated extended emission. We have also observed H76$_\alpha$ recombination line towards all the sources and He76$_\alpha$ line at the positions with strong H76$_\alpha$ line emission. The UC HII regions have simple morphologies and large (>10) ratios of single-dish to VLA fluxes. Extended emission was detected towards all the sources. The extended emission consists of one to several compact components and a diffuse extended envelope. All the UC HII regions but two are located in the compact components, where the UC HII regions always correspond to their peaks. The compact components with UC HII regions are usually smaller and denser than those without UC HII regions. Our recombination line observations indicate that the ultracompact, compact, and extended components are physically associated. The UC HII regions and their associated compact components are likely to be ionized by the same sources on the basis of the morphological relations mentioned above. This suggests that almost all of the observed UC HII regions are not `real' UC HII regions and that their actual ages are much greater than their dynamical age (<10000 yr). We find that most of simple UC HII regions previously known have large ratios of single-dish to VLA fluxes, similar to our sources. Therefore, the `age problem' of UC HII regions does not seem to be as serious as earlier studies argued. We present a simple model that explains extended emission around UC HII regions. Some individual sources are discussed.

Submitted to arXiv on 26 Oct. 2000

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