The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity

AI-generated keywords: M-theory Supergravity Superconformal Field Theories Anti-deSitter spacetimes 't Hooft limit

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  • Juan M. Maldacena's paper explores the relationship between conformal field theories and supergravity on different manifolds.
  • The large $N$ limit of conformal field theories includes a sector describing supergravity on these spaces.
  • The near horizon geometry for large $N$ can still be trusted even in low energy limits.
  • This leads to a new proposal for a definition of M-theory which could include five non-compact dimensions.
  • 't Hooft limit of 4-d ${\cal N} =4$ super-Yang-Mills at the conformal point contains IIB strings.
  • Compactifications of M/string theory on various Anti-deSitter spacetimes are dual to various conformal field theories.
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Authors: Juan M. Maldacena

20 pages, harvmac, v2: section on AdS_2 corrected, references added, v3: More references and a sign in eqns 2.8 and 2.9 corrected

Abstract: We show that the large $N$ limit of certain conformal field theories in various dimensions include in their Hilbert space a sector describing supergravity on the product of Anti-deSitter spacetimes, spheres and other compact manifolds. This is shown by taking some branes in the full M/string theory and then taking a low energy limit where the field theory on the brane decouples from the bulk. We observe that, in this limit, we can still trust the near horizon geometry for large $N$. The enhanced supersymmetries of the near horizon geometry correspond to the extra supersymmetry generators present in the superconformal group (as opposed to just the super-Poincare group). The 't Hooft limit of 4-d ${\cal N} =4$ super-Yang-Mills at the conformal point is shown to contain strings: they are IIB strings. We conjecture that compactifications of M/string theory on various Anti-deSitter spacetimes are dual to various conformal field theories. This leads to a new proposal for a definition of M-theory which could be extended to include five non-compact dimensions.

Submitted to arXiv on 27 Nov. 1997

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: hep-th/9711200v3

This paper's license doesn't allow us to build upon its content and the summarizing process is here made with the paper's metadata rather than the article.

In the paper "The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity," Juan M. Maldacena explores the relationship between certain conformal field theories and supergravity on Anti-deSitter spacetimes, spheres, and other compact manifolds. By taking some branes in the full M/string theory and then taking a low energy limit where the field theory on the brane decouples from the bulk, Maldacena shows that the large $N$ limit of these conformal field theories includes a sector describing supergravity on these spaces. He also observes that even in this low energy limit, we can still trust the near horizon geometry for large $N$. This enhanced supersymmetry of this near horizon geometry corresponds to extra supersymmetry generators present in the superconformal group (as opposed to just the super-Poincare group). This leads to a new proposal for a definition of M-theory which could be extended to include five non-compact dimensions. Furthermore, Maldacena demonstrates that the 't Hooft limit of 4-d ${\cal N} =4$ super-Yang-Mills at the conformal point is shown to contain strings: they are IIB strings. Based on this observation, he conjectures that compactifications of M/string theory on various Anti-deSitter spacetimes are dual to various conformal field theories. Overall, this paper provides important insights into the relationship between string theory and quantum gravity. It also offers a new perspective on how we might define M-theory in higher dimensions.
Created on 08 May. 2023

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