Theory of Jet Quenching in Ultra-Relativistic Nuclear Collisions

Authors: Guang-You Qin

arXiv: 1408.0456v1 - DOI (nucl-th)
8 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the XXIV Quark Matter conference, May 19-24 2014, Darmstadt (Germany)

Abstract: We present a short overview of recent progress in the theory of jet quenching in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions, including phenomenological studies of jet quenching at RHIC and the LHC, development in NLO perburbative QCD calculation of jet broadening and energy loss, full jet evolution and modification, medium response to jet transport, and lattice QCD and AdS/CFT studies of jet quenching.

Submitted to arXiv on 03 Aug. 2014

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