Analysis of permanence time in emotional states: A case study using educational software
Authors: Helena Reis, Danilo Alvares, Patricia Jaques, Seiji Isotani
Abstract: This article presents the results of an experiment in which we investigated how prior algebra knowledge and personality can influence the permanence time from the confusion state to frustration/boredom state in a computer learning environment. Our experimental results indicate that people with a neurotic personality and a low level of algebra knowledge can deal with confusion for less time and can easily feel frustrated/bored when there is no intervention. Our analysis also suggest that people with an extroversion personality and a low level of algebra knowledge are able to control confusion for longer, leading to later interventions. These findings support that it is possible to detect emotions in a less invasive way and without the need of physiological sensors or complex algorithms. Furthermore, obtained median times can be incorporated into computational regulation models (e.g. adaptive interfaces) to regulate students' emotion during the teaching-learning process.
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