Convergence of an adaptive $C^0$-interior penalty Galerkin method for the biharmonic problem

Authors: Alexander Dominicus, Fernando Gaspoz, Christian Kreuzer

Abstract: We develop a basic convergence analysis for an adaptive $\textsf{C}^0\textsf{IPG}$ method for the Biharmonic problem, which provides convergence without rates for all practically relevant marking strategies and all penalty parameters assuring coercivity of the method. The analysis hinges on embedding properties of (broken) Sobolev and BV spaces, and the construction of a suitable limit space. In contrast to the convergence result of adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic PDEs, by Kreuzer and Georgoulis [Math. Comp. 87 (2018), no.~314, 2611--2640], here we have to deal with the fact that the Lagrange finite element spaces may possibly contain no proper $C^1$-conforming subspace. This prevents from a straight forward generalisation and requires the development of some new key technical tools.

Submitted to arXiv on 28 Oct. 2019

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