Design and Production of an Autonomous Rotary Composter Powered by Photovoltaic Energy

Authors: Fatima Zahra Siti, Mustafa Elalami, Fatima Zahra Beraich, Moha Arouch, Salah Dine Qanadli

10 pages, 12 figures, Research paper Published with International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)
License: CC ZERO 1.0

Abstract: The problem of household waste management is becoming more and more acute with the growth of economic development that the country of Morocco has experienced. Moreover, the management of this waste is a burden for the municipalities, in view of its cost, which is increasing with time. Therefore, in this work we present the design, the mechanical and photovoltaic study of a new autonomous solar composter intended mainly for households. It allows to transform organic waste in situ, into a good quality compost that serves as a soil conditioner, in a short time compared to other composting systems, these times do not exceed 4 weeks. This innovative technology will reduce the amount of waste going to final landfill, or incineration, and exploit the compost produced in gardening and horticulture, which will be a very effective solution for waste management in Morocco.

Submitted to arXiv on 05 Jul. 2021

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