Social Media Marketing (SMM) A Strategic Tool for Developing Business for Tourism Companies
Authors: Dr. Nalini Palaniswamy
Abstract: Social media marketing is an emerging marketing technique worldwide. This research concentrates on how effectively social media can be used to promote a product in tourism industry. The efficient use of social media develops a tourism company in terms of sales, branding, reach and relationship management. The study aims to find the best social media platform to promote and develop a tourism company and the customer opinion towards planning a trip through online. It also concentrates on customer response for online offers and discounts in those social media platforms. The study attempts to understand and create suitable model for social media marketing for tourism companies with a sample size of 400. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling method. The purposive sample can also be called as judgemental sample. Normally the sample will be selected based on the knowledge possessed by the respondents on a particular phenomenon. Here, the study is been conducted among the people who use social media. The sampling technique helped the researcher to identify the target sample i.e., the social media users.
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