Detection of blue whale vocalisations using a temporal-domain convolutional neural network

Authors: Bryan Sagredo, Sonia Español-Jiménez, Felipe Tobar

Abstract: We present a framework for detecting blue whale vocalisations from acoustic submarine recordings. The proposed methodology comprises three stages: i) a preprocessing step where the audio recordings are conditioned through normalisation, filtering, and denoising; ii) a label-propagation mechanism to ensure the consistency of the annotations of the whale vocalisations, and iii) a convolutional neural network that receives audio samples. Based on 34 real-world submarine recordings (28 for training and 6 for testing) we obtained promising performance indicators including an Accuracy of 85.4\% and a Recall of 93.5\%. Furthermore, even for the cases where our detector did not match the ground-truth labels, a visual inspection validates the ability of our approach to detect possible parts of whale calls unlabelled as such due to not being complete calls.

Submitted to arXiv on 05 Oct. 2021

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