Late Fusion Multi-view Clustering via Global and Local Alignment Maximization

Authors: Siwei Wang, Xinwang Liu, En Zhu

License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Multi-view clustering (MVC) optimally integrates complementary information from different views to improve clustering performance. Although demonstrating promising performance in various applications, most of existing approaches directly fuse multiple pre-specified similarities to learn an optimal similarity matrix for clustering, which could cause over-complicated optimization and intensive computational cost. In this paper, we propose late fusion MVC via alignment maximization to address these issues. To do so, we first reveal the theoretical connection of existing k-means clustering and the alignment between base partitions and the consensus one. Based on this observation, we propose a simple but effective multi-view algorithm termed LF-MVC-GAM. It optimally fuses multiple source information in partition level from each individual view, and maximally aligns the consensus partition with these weighted base ones. Such an alignment is beneficial to integrate partition level information and significantly reduce the computational complexity by sufficiently simplifying the optimization procedure. We then design another variant, LF-MVC-LAM to further improve the clustering performance by preserving the local intrinsic structure among multiple partition spaces. After that, we develop two three-step iterative algorithms to solve the resultant optimization problems with theoretically guaranteed convergence. Further, we provide the generalization error bound analysis of the proposed algorithms. Extensive experiments on eighteen multi-view benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed LF-MVC-GAM and LF-MVC-LAM, ranging from small to large-scale data items. The codes of the proposed algorithms are publicly available at

Submitted to arXiv on 02 Aug. 2022

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