Prospects and Challenges for Sustainable Tourism: Evidence from South Asian Countries
Authors: Janifar Alam, Quazi Nur Alam, Abu Kalam
Abstract: Tourism is one of the world's fastest expanding businesses, as well as a significant source of foreign exchange profits and jobs. The research is based on secondary sources. The facts and information were primarily gathered and analyzed from various published papers and articles. The study goals are to illustrate the current scenario of tourism industry in south Asia, classifies the restraints and recommends helpful key developments to achieve sustainable tourism consequently. The study revealed that major challenges of sustainable tourism in south Asian region are lack of infrastructure facilities, modern and sufficient recreation facilities, security and safety, proper training and HR, proper planning from government, marketing and information, product development, tourism awareness, security and safety, and political instability etc. The study also provides some suggestive measures that for the long-term growth of regional tourism, the government should establish and implement policies involving public and private investment and collaboration.
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