Role of Audio in Audio-Visual Video Summarization

Authors: Ibrahim Shoer, Berkay Kopru, Engin Erzin

Abstract: Video summarization attracts attention for efficient video representation, retrieval, and browsing to ease volume and traffic surge problems. Although video summarization mostly uses the visual channel for compaction, the benefits of audio-visual modeling appeared in recent literature. The information coming from the audio channel can be a result of audio-visual correlation in the video content. In this study, we propose a new audio-visual video summarization framework integrating four ways of audio-visual information fusion with GRU-based and attention-based networks. Furthermore, we investigate a new explainability methodology using audio-visual canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to better understand and explain the role of audio in the video summarization task. Experimental evaluations on the TVSum dataset attain F1 score and Kendall-tau score improvements for the audio-visual video summarization. Furthermore, splitting video content on TVSum and COGNIMUSE datasets based on audio-visual CCA as positively and negatively correlated videos yields a strong performance improvement over the positively correlated videos for audio-only and audio-visual video summarization.

Submitted to arXiv on 02 Dec. 2022

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