PFT-SSR: Parallax Fusion Transformer for Stereo Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Hansheng Guo, Juncheng Li, Guangwei Gao, Zhi Li, Tieyong Zeng

5 pages, 3 figures
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Stereo image super-resolution aims to boost the performance of image super-resolution by exploiting the supplementary information provided by binocular systems. Although previous methods have achieved promising results, they did not fully utilize the information of cross-view and intra-view. To further unleash the potential of binocular images, in this letter, we propose a novel Transformerbased parallax fusion module called Parallax Fusion Transformer (PFT). PFT employs a Cross-view Fusion Transformer (CVFT) to utilize cross-view information and an Intra-view Refinement Transformer (IVRT) for intra-view feature refinement. Meanwhile, we adopted the Swin Transformer as the backbone for feature extraction and SR reconstruction to form a pure Transformer architecture called PFT-SSR. Extensive experiments and ablation studies show that PFT-SSR achieves competitive results and outperforms most SOTA methods. Source code is available at

Submitted to arXiv on 24 Mar. 2023

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