SimpleNet: A Simple Network for Image Anomaly Detection and Localization

Authors: Zhikang Liu, Yiming Zhou, Yuansheng Xu, Zilei Wang

Accepted to CVPR 2023

Abstract: We propose a simple and application-friendly network (called SimpleNet) for detecting and localizing anomalies. SimpleNet consists of four components: (1) a pre-trained Feature Extractor that generates local features, (2) a shallow Feature Adapter that transfers local features towards target domain, (3) a simple Anomaly Feature Generator that counterfeits anomaly features by adding Gaussian noise to normal features, and (4) a binary Anomaly Discriminator that distinguishes anomaly features from normal features. During inference, the Anomaly Feature Generator would be discarded. Our approach is based on three intuitions. First, transforming pre-trained features to target-oriented features helps avoid domain bias. Second, generating synthetic anomalies in feature space is more effective, as defects may not have much commonality in the image space. Third, a simple discriminator is much efficient and practical. In spite of simplicity, SimpleNet outperforms previous methods quantitatively and qualitatively. On the MVTec AD benchmark, SimpleNet achieves an anomaly detection AUROC of 99.6%, reducing the error by 55.5% compared to the next best performing model. Furthermore, SimpleNet is faster than existing methods, with a high frame rate of 77 FPS on a 3080ti GPU. Additionally, SimpleNet demonstrates significant improvements in performance on the One-Class Novelty Detection task. Code:

Submitted to arXiv on 27 Mar. 2023

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