Engineering anomalous Floquet Majorana modes and their time evolution in helical Shiba chain

Authors: Debashish Mondal, Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Tanay Nag, Arijit Saha

arXiv: 2304.02352v1 - DOI (cond-mat.mes-hall)
7.5 Pages + 5 PDF figures (Main Text), 4 Pages + 3 PDF figures (Supplementary Material), Comments are welcome

Abstract: We theoretically explore the Floquet generation of Majorana end modes~(MEMs) (both regular $0$- and anomalous $\pi$-modes) implementing a periodic sinusoidal modulation in chemical potential in an experimentally feasible setup based on one-dimensional chain of magnetic impurity atoms having spin spiral configuration fabricated on the surface of most common bulk $s$-wave superconductor. We obtain a rich phase diagram in the parameter space, highlighting the possibility of generating multiple $0$-/$\pi$-MEMs localized at the end of the chain. We also study the real-time evolution of these emergent MEMs, especially when they start to appear in the time domain. These MEMs are topologically characterized by employing the dynamical winding number. We also discuss the possible experimental parameters in connection to our model. Our work paves the way to realize the Floquet MEMs in a magnet-superconductor heterostructure.

Submitted to arXiv on 05 Apr. 2023

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