Learning to Reason and Memorize with Self-Notes

Authors: Jack Lanchantin, Shubham Toshniwal, Jason Weston, Arthur Szlam, Sainbayar Sukhbaatar

15 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Large language models have been shown to struggle with limited context memory and multi-step reasoning. We propose a simple method for solving both of these problems by allowing the model to take Self-Notes. Unlike recent scratchpad approaches, the model can deviate from the input context at any time to explicitly think. This allows the model to recall information and perform reasoning on the fly as it reads the context, thus extending its memory and enabling multi-step reasoning. Our experiments on multiple tasks demonstrate that our method can successfully generalize to longer and more complicated instances from their training setup by taking Self-Notes at inference time.

Submitted to arXiv on 01 May. 2023

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