Large Multimodal Models: Notes on CVPR 2023 Tutorial

Authors: Chunyuan Li

27 pages, 24 figures; Tutorial website:
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: This tutorial note summarizes the presentation on ``Large Multimodal Models: Towards Building and Surpassing Multimodal GPT-4'', a part of CVPR 2023 tutorial on ``Recent Advances in Vision Foundation Models''. The tutorial consists of three parts. We first introduce the background on recent GPT-like large models for vision-and-language modeling to motivate the research in instruction-tuned large multimodal models (LMMs). As a pre-requisite, we describe the basics of instruction-tuning in large language models, which is further extended to the multimodal space. Lastly, we illustrate how to build the minimum prototype of multimodal GPT-4 like models with the open-source resource, and review the recently emerged topics.

Submitted to arXiv on 26 Jun. 2023

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