Discovery of the missing intermediate-mass helium stars stripped in binaries

Authors: M. R. Drout, Y. Götberg, B. A. Ludwig, J. H. Groh, S. E. de Mink, A. J. G. O'Grady, N. Smith

arXiv: 2307.00061v1 - DOI (astro-ph.SR)
Original version of manuscript submitted in August 2022, per journal policies. Manuscript passed through referee process and was recommended for publication in Science in March 2023. Conclusions have not changed. Please contact authors for further information. Data and updated manuscript will be made available upon publication. Please also see a companion paper in today's archive posting
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: The theory of binary evolution predicts that many massive stars should lose their hydrogen-rich envelopes via interaction with a companion -- revealing hot helium stars with masses of $\sim$2--8M$_{\odot}$. However, only one candidate system had been identified, leaving a large discrepancy between theory and observation. Here, we present a new sample of stars -- identified via excess ultraviolet emission -- whose luminosities, colors, and spectral morphologies are consistent with predictions for the missing population. We detect radial velocity variations indicative of binary motion and measure high temperatures ($T_{\rm eff}\sim60-100$kK), high surface gravities ($\log(g)\sim5$) and depleted surface hydrogen mass fractions ($X_{\rm{H,surf}}\lesssim0.3$), which match expectations for stars with initial masses between 8--25 M$_{\odot}$ that have been stripped via binary interaction. These systems fill the helium star mass gap between subdwarfs and Wolf-Rayet stars, and are thought to be of large astrophysical significance as ionizing sources, progenitors of stripped-envelope supernovae and merging double neutron stars.

Submitted to arXiv on 30 Jun. 2023

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