Robustness Assessment of Mathematical Reasoning in the Presence of Missing and Contradictory Conditions
Authors: Shi-Yu Tian, Zhi Zhou, Lin-Han Jia, Lan-Zhe Guo, Yu-Feng Li
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance on reasoning tasks, which can be further improved through few-shot prompting techniques. However, the current evaluation primarily focuses on carefully constructed benchmarks and neglects the consideration of real-world reasoning problems that present missing and contradictory conditions, known as ill-defined problems. Our observations suggest that existing few-shot prompting techniques are ineffective in such scenarios, often providing overconfident answers or hallucination. To further study this problem, we develop a benchmark called Problems with Missing and Contradictory conditions (PMC) and introduce two novel metrics to evaluate the performance of few-shot prompting methods in these scenarios. Our analysis using the PMC benchmark reveals a trade-off dilemma between the performance of mathematical reasoning for well-defined problems and the ability to recognize ill-defined problems. To address the challenges posed by PMC, we propose a novel few-shot prompting method called SMT-LIB Prompting (SLP), which utilizes the SMT-LIB language to model the problems instead of solving them directly. Subsequently, a double-check solving strategy checks the satisfiability and uniqueness of the solution and provides final feedback. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our SLP approach compared to existing few-shot prompting methods when dealing with problems with missing and contradictory conditions. We will open-source our benchmark and code to facilitate future research.
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