Learning-focuses in physics simulation learning situations

Authors: Ake Ingerman, Cedric Linder, Delia Marshall

arXiv: physics/0401053v1 - DOI (physics.ed-ph)
6 pages, presented at the 12th SAARMSTE conference, Cape Town

Abstract: This is a report on a qualitative study of students' learning where a physics computer simulation session is used to supplement lectures on the topic. Drawing on phenomenography as the analytical framework, the students' learning-focuses were analysed. The result is a description of four distinctly different learning-focuses that emerged when the students involved in the study interacted with the computer simulations. These learning-focuses were then analysed in terms of the level of interaction, the nature of physics knowledge and views of learning experienced by the students. These results were then used to identify advantages and disadvantages of learning through interaction with simulations.

Submitted to arXiv on 12 Jan. 2004

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