The mobile information and educational environment of higher educational institution

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Auteurs : N. Moiseienko, M. Moiseienko, S. Semerikov

Cherkasy University Bulletin: Pedagogical Sciences 11 (2016) 20-27
arXiv: 1807.10656v1 - DOI (physics.ed-ph)
8 pages, in Ukrainian
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : In the modern world in the conditions of informatization of society and high level of competition at the labor-market the problem of preparation of specialists appears to the use of modern information and of communication technologies. Modern higher educational establishment must become the core of innovative education with problem preparation of specialists of new generation. Especially it touches preparation professionally of competent teachers, capable easily to adapt oneself in a modern educational environment, be competitive in the conditions of modern labor-market. Purpose. To highlight the definition of mobile information and educational environment of higher educational institution. Results. Define the concept of mobile information and educational environment of a higher educational institution aiming to meet the educational and research needs of all users in providing the necessary e-resources anytime and anywhere. Conclusion. Mobile information and educational environment of a higher educational institution ensures the realization of a few preferences: effective using modern technical learning tools; attracting the best educators; implementation and supporting author's courses; ensuring purposeful development of students. In such environment every student have free access (independent from time and place) to any materials from the academic disciplines, while gaining for them the necessary practical skills, useful implements interaction, knowledge sharing, organizes continuous learning process. The creation and support of mobile information and educational environment of higher educational institution will bring the University activities to a qualitatively new level and enhance its competitiveness in modern conditions.

Soumis à arXiv le 23 Jul. 2018

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