The Effect of Marketing Investment on Firm Value and Systematic Risk
Auteurs : Musaab Mousa, Saeed Nosratabadi, Judit Sagi, Amir Mosavi
Résumé : Analyzing the financial benefit of marketing is still a critical topic for both practitioners and researchers. Companies consider marketing costs as a type of investment and expect this investment to be returned to the company in the form of profit. On the other hand, companies adopt different innovative strategies to increase their value. Therefore, this study aims to test the impact of marketing investment on firm value and systematic risk. To do so, data related to four Arabic emerging markets during the period 2010-2019 are considered, and firm share price and beta share are considered to measure firm value and systematic risk, respectively. Since a firm's ownership concentration is a determinant factor in firm value and systematic risk, this variable is considered a moderated variable in the relationship between marketing investment and firm value and systematic risk. The findings of the study, using panel data regression, indicate that increasing investment in marketing has a positive effect on the firm value valuation model. It is also found that the ownership concentration variable has a reinforcing role in the relationship between marketing investment and firm value. It is also disclosed that it moderates the systematic risk aligned with the monitoring impact of controlling shareholders. This study provides a logical combination of governance-marketing dimensions to interpret performance indicators in the capital market.
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