The CubeSpec space mission. I. Asteroseismology of massive stars from time series optical spectroscopy: science requirements and target list prioritisation

Auteurs : D. M. Bowman, B. Vandenbussche, H. Sana, A. Tkachenko, G. Raskin, T. Delabie, B. Vandoren, P. Royer, S. Garcia, T. Van Reeth

A&A 658, A96 (2022)
arXiv: 2111.09814v1 - DOI (astro-ph.SR)
14 pages, accepted for publication in A&A
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Context. There is currently a niche for providing high-cadence, high resolution, time-series optical spectroscopy from space, which can be filled by using a low-cost cubesat mission. The Belgian-led ESA CubeSpec mission is specifically designed to provide space-based, low-cost spectroscopy with specific capabilities that can be optimised for a particular science need. Approved as an ESA in-orbit demonstrator, the CubeSpec satellite's primary science objective will focus on obtaining high-cadence, high resolution optical spectroscopic data to facilitate asteroseismology of pulsating massive stars. Aims. In this first paper, we aim to search for pulsating massive stars suitable for the CubeSpec mission, specifically $\beta$ Cep stars, which typically require time series spectroscopy to identify the geometry of their pulsation modes. Methods. Based on the science requirements needed to enable asteroseismology of massive stars with the capabilities of CubeSpec's spectrograph, we combine a literature study for pulsation with the analysis of recent high-cadence time series TESS photometry to classify the variability for stars brighter than V < 4 mag and between O9 and B3 in spectral type. Results. Among the 90 stars that meet our magnitude and spectral type requirements, we identify 23 promising $\beta$ Cep stars with high-amplitude (non-)radial pulsation modes with frequencies below 7 d$^{-1}$. Using further constraints on projected rotational velocities, pulsation amplitudes and number of pulsation modes, we devise a prioritised target list for the CubeSpec mission according to its science requirements and the potential of the targets for asteroseismology. The full target catalogue further provide a modern TESS-based review of line profile and photometric variability properties among bright O9-B3 stars.

Soumis à arXiv le 18 Nov. 2021

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