Dirac observables in the 4-dimensional phase space of Ashtekar's variables and spherically symmetric loop quantum black holes

Auteurs : Geeth Ongole, Hongchao Zhang, Tao Zhu, Anzhong Wang, Bin Wang

Universe 8 (2022) 543
revetex4-1, 2 tables and 13 figures. To appear in Universe for the Special Issue "Loop Quantum Gravity: A Themed Issue in Honor of Prof. Abhay Ashtekar"
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : In this paper, we study a proposal put forward recently by Bodendorfer, Mele and M\"unch and Garc\'\i{}a-Quismondo and Marug\'an, in which the two polymerization parameters of spherically symmetric black hole spacetimes are the Dirac observables of the four-dimensional Ashtekar's variables. In this model, black and white hole horizons in general exist and naturally divide the spacetime into the external and internal regions. In the external region, the spacetime can be made asymptotically flat by properly choosing the dependence of the two polymerization parameters on the Ashtekar variables. Then, we find that the asymptotical behavior of the spacetime is universal, and, to the leading order, the curvature invariants are independent of the mass parameter $m$. For example, the Kretschmann scalar approaches zero as $K \simeq A_0r^{-4}$ asymptotically, where $A_0$ is generally a non-zero constant and independent of $m$, and $r$ the geometric radius of the two-spheres. In the internal region, all the physical quantities are finite, and the Schwarzschild black hole singularity is replaced by a transition surface whose radius is always finite and non-zero. The quantum gravitational effects are negligible near the black hole horizon for very massive black holes. However, the behavior of the spacetime across the transition surface is significantly different from all loop quantum black holes studied so far. In particular, the location of the maximum amplitude of the curvature scalars is displaced from the transition surface and depends on $m$, so does the maximum amplitude. In addition, the radius of the white hole is much smaller than that of the black hole, and its exact value sensitively depends on $m$, too.

Soumis à arXiv le 22 Aoû. 2022

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