Answer ranking in Community Question Answering: a deep learning approach

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Auteurs : Lucas Valentin

72 pages, Masters thesis
Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : Community Question Answering is the field of computational linguistics that deals with problems derived from the questions and answers posted to websites such as Quora or Stack Overflow. Among some of these problems we find the issue of ranking the multiple answers posted in reply to each question by how informative they are in the attempt to solve the original question. This work tries to advance the state of the art on answer ranking for community Question Answering by proceeding with a deep learning approach. We started off by creating a large data set of questions and answers posted to the Stack Overflow website. We then leveraged the natural language processing capabilities of dense embeddings and LSTM networks to produce a prediction for the accepted answer attribute, and present the answers in a ranked form ordered by how likely they are to be marked as accepted by the question asker. We also produced a set of numerical features to assist with the answer ranking task. These numerical features were either extracted from metadata found in the Stack Overflow posts or derived from the questions and answers texts. We compared the performance of our deep learning models against a set of forest and boosted trees ensemble methods and found that our models could not improve the best baseline results. We speculate that this lack of performance improvement versus the baseline models may be caused by the large number of out of vocabulary words present in the programming code snippets found in the questions and answers text. We conclude that while a deep learning approach may be helpful in answer ranking problems new methods should be developed to assist with the large number of out of vocabulary words present in the programming code snippets

Soumis à arXiv le 16 Oct. 2022

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