Star-formation rate and stellar mass calibrations based on infrared photometry and their dependence on stellar population age and extinction

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Auteurs : Konstantinos Kouroumpatzakis, Andreas Zezas, Elias Kyritsis, Samir Salim, Jiri Svoboda

arXiv: 2303.10013v1 - DOI (astro-ph.GA)
18 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics on 16 March 2023
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : The stellar mass ($M_\star$) and the star-formation rate (SFR) are among the most important features that characterize galaxies. Measuring these fundamental properties accurately is critical for understanding the present state of galaxies, and their history. This work explores the dependence of the IR emission of galaxies on their extinction, and the age of their stellar populations (SPs). It aims at providing accurate IR SFR and $M_\star$ calibrations that account for SP age and extinction while quantifying their scatter. We use the CIGALE spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting code to create models of galaxies with a wide range of star-formation histories, dust content, and interstellar medium properties. We fit the relations between $M_\star$ and SFR with IR and optical photometry of the model-galaxy SEDs with the MCMC method, and perform a machine-learning random forest analysis on the same data set in order to validate the latter. This work provides calibrations for the SFR using a combination of the WISE bands 1 and 3, or the JWST F200W and F2100W bands. It also provides mass-to-light ratio calibrations based on the WISE band-1, or the JWST band F200W, along with the optical $u-r$ or $g-r$ colors. These calibrations account for the biases attributed to the SP age, while they are given in the form of extinction-dependent and extinction-independent relations. They show robust estimations while minimizing the scatter and biases throughout a wide range of SFRs and stellar masses. The SFR calibration offers better results, especially in dust-free or passive galaxies where the contributions of old SPs or biases from the lack of dust are significant. Similarly, the $M_\star$ calibration yields significantly better results for dusty/high-SFR galaxies where dust emission can otherwise bias the estimations.

Soumis à arXiv le 17 Mar. 2023

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