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Testing LLM performance on the Physics GRE: some observations

Pranav Gupta

arXiv: 2312.04613v1 - DOI (physics.ed-ph)
4 pages
Licence : CC BY-SA 4.0

Résumé : With the recent developments in large language models (LLMs) and their widespread availability through open source models and/or low-cost APIs, several exciting products and applications are emerging, many of which are in the field of STEM educational technology for K-12 and university students. There is a need to evaluate these powerful language models on several benchmarks, in order to understand their risks and limitations. In this short paper, we summarize and analyze the performance of Bard, a popular LLM-based conversational service made available by Google, on the standardized Physics GRE examination.

Soumis à arXiv le 07 Déc. 2023