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No Time to Waste: Squeeze Time into Channel for Mobile Video Understanding

Yingjie Zhai, Wenshuo Li, Yehui Tang, Xinghao Chen, Yunhe Wang

Résumé : Current architectures for video understanding mainly build upon 3D convolutional blocks or 2D convolutions with additional operations for temporal modeling. However, these methods all regard the temporal axis as a separate dimension of the video sequence, which requires large computation and memory budgets and thus limits their usage on mobile devices. In this paper, we propose to squeeze the time axis of a video sequence into the channel dimension and present a lightweight video recognition network, term as \textit{SqueezeTime}, for mobile video understanding. To enhance the temporal modeling capability of the proposed network, we design a Channel-Time Learning (CTL) Block to capture temporal dynamics of the sequence. This module has two complementary branches, in which one branch is for temporal importance learning and another branch with temporal position restoring capability is to enhance inter-temporal object modeling ability. The proposed SqueezeTime is much lightweight and fast with high accuracies for mobile video understanding. Extensive experiments on various video recognition and action detection benchmarks, i.e., Kinetics400, Kinetics600, HMDB51, AVA2.1 and THUMOS14, demonstrate the superiority of our model. For example, our SqueezeTime achieves $+1.2\%$ accuracy and $+80\%$ GPU throughput gain on Kinetics400 than prior methods. Codes are publicly available at https://github.com/xinghaochen/SqueezeTime and https://github.com/mindspore-lab/models/tree/master/research/huawei-noah/SqueezeTime.

Soumis à arXiv le 14 Mai. 2024

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