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GPT Store Mining and Analysis

Dongxun Su, Yanjie Zhao, Xinyi Hou, Shenao Wang, Haoyu Wang

Résumé : As a pivotal extension of the renowned ChatGPT, the GPT Store serves as a dynamic marketplace for various Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models, shaping the frontier of conversational AI. This paper presents an in-depth measurement study of the GPT Store, with a focus on the categorization of GPTs by topic, factors influencing GPT popularity, and the potential security risks. Our investigation starts with assessing the categorization of GPTs in the GPT Store, analyzing how they are organized by topics, and evaluating the effectiveness of the classification system. We then examine the factors that affect the popularity of specific GPTs, looking into user preferences, algorithmic influences, and market trends. Finally, the study delves into the security risks of the GPT Store, identifying potential threats and evaluating the robustness of existing security measures. This study offers a detailed overview of the GPT Store's current state, shedding light on its operational dynamics and user interaction patterns. Our findings aim to enhance understanding of the GPT ecosystem, providing valuable insights for future research, development, and policy-making in generative AI.

Soumis à arXiv le 16 Mai. 2024

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